Trainings and presentations

A full calendar of events may also be found on the Syracuse University Events Calendar.

If you have an idea for an Office of Research Awareness session, email your suggestion to

Office Introductions

Presentation TitleDateRecordingSlides
New Faculty Orientation - Introduction to the Office of Research8/23/2023Slides
Working with the Office of Sponsored Programs9/20/2023RecordingSlides
Introduction to the Office of Research Integrity and Protections2/3/2021RecordingSlides
Office of Research Awareness: Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer at SU1/27/2021RecordingSlides
Working with the Office of Sponsored Accounting – Best Practices and Updates12/1/2021RecordingSlides

General Support

Presentation TitleDateRecordingSlides
Working with Human Participants in Research and the Institutional Review Board (IRB)9/29/2021RecordingSlides
Meeting the Requirements – Federal Funding for Research and Intellectual Property Reporting4/22/2021RecordingSlides
The Basics Every Researcher Must Know About Patents & Reporting Inventions to SU10/13/2021RecordingSlides
Working with the Center for Advanced Systems and Engineering (CASE) and Industry Partners11/9/2022Slides
Managing Your Sponsored Funding5/5/2021RecordingSlides
Supporting Research with the SAMtool and Other Resources4/6/2022RecordingSlides
Building Your Digital Presence with Experts@Syracuse Workshop10/26/2022Recording (SU Login Required)Slides
Introduction to Funding Opportunity Resources (SU WiSE STEM Early Career Development Series)8/12/2020Recording (YouTube)Slides
How to Build an Accessible Research Talk10/12/2022TranscriptSlides
Sponsored Funding Opportunities for Efforts in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Access4/9/2021RecordingSlides
The Opportunities and Challenges of Center Grants (Presented with BioInspired)2/1/2023RecordingSlides

Proposal Development Resources

Presentation TitleDateRecordingSlides
Developing your Budget using the OSP Budget Template10/4/2023RecordingSlides
Working with Subrecipients, Consultants, and Vendors10/18/2023RecordingSlides
Data Management Planning4/13/2022RecordingSlides
Logic Models for Project and Proposal Development3/30/2022RecordingSlides
Building an Evaluation Plan for Projects and Proposals3/24/2021Recording

Funder Specific Information

Presentation TitleDateRecordingSlides
Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) OPEN Funding Information Session12/08/2023RecordingSlides
DoD101: How to find and navigate Department of Defense research funding opportunities9/26/2023RecordingSlides
Information Session for DOD Military Health Services Research Symposium2/8/2023Recording
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program4/20/2023RecordingSlides
Fulbright Specialist Program5/12/2021RecordingSlides
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Application-Writing Workshop3/01/2024RecordingSlides
National Endowment for the Humanities Regional Grant-Writing Workshop3/19/2021RecordingSlides

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Presentation TitleDateRecordingSlides
NSF CAREER Workshop1/12/2023RecordingSlides
NSF CAREER Awardee Panel Discussion3/9/2022RecordingSlides
Submitting proposals to the National Science Foundation (NSF)11/3/2021RecordingSlides
NSF Program Manager Panel Discussion2/13/2020Recording

Book Publishing

Presentation TitleDateRecordingSlides
Open Access Book Publishing: In Conversation with University of California, University of Michigan, and MIT Presses12/14/2023RecordingResources
Placing your Book in the Rapidly Changing Academic Publishing Landscape10/19/2022RecordingSlides
Scholarly Book Publishing Today: A Conversion with University of California Press Editors4/22/2022RecordingSlides
Publishing Your Humanities Book: Know Your Audience, Reach Your Readers2/19/2021RecordingSlides