Updating research profiles

Updating research profiles

Research profiles are updated with new Scopus publication information and awarded grant activity on a monthly basis. Faculty affiliation information is reviewed and updated at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters and on an ongoing basis as needed. To a request a new faculty affiliation, please email experts@syr.edu.

To add additional information to your profile, log in to Experts@Syracuse using your netID and password.

How research profiles are populated

They use readily available Scopus publication data as well as funded grant information from OSP’s database to create a “fingerprint” of a researcher’s subject expertise. This fingerprint is continuously and automatically updated as publications enter the Scopus database, which means very little, if any, manual maintenance is required to retain a current and accurate research profile. Profiled researchers or scholars can add, edit, or delete research interests and keywords they are associated with by logging into their personal profiles.

How researcher profiles work

Experts@Syracuse research profiles are based on publication data fed directly from Scopus, a proprietary interdisciplinary database licensed by the Libraries, primarily focused on journal publications in the biological, medical, physical, social, and engineering sciences.

Syracuse University’s initial implementation of this tool includes researchers or scholars from the schools, colleges, and departments that most frequently publish in these journals. This may be expanded to other areas of the University in the future depending on feedback received from the campus community and availability of resources.

The purpose of this tool

Experts@Syracuse promotes research and scholarly collaboration by identifying Syracuse University’s areas of expertise and its experts. Faculty, staff, and students can find and connect with experts at Syracuse University and at other universities. Key features of the tool include:

  • The “Funding Discovery” module, which matches funding opportunities with an expert’s research area and alerts them
  • The ability to create and export CVs in multiple useful formats at the click of a button.