Can I continue with data collection for human subjects research?

Can I continue with data collection for human subjects research?

Given the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic and our shared goal to reduce the risk of infection within our community, the Office of Research together with the Office of Research Integrity and Protections and the Institutional Review Board have determined that, for human subjects research deemed non-essential, data collection activities involving face-to-face interaction with participants must pause until further notice; this includes social, behavioral and educational research, as well as biomedical research. This is in keeping with the need to minimize personal contact. From a regulatory perspective, this is considered a temporary pause in human participant research activities for those studies impacted.

If a research activity involving face-to-face interaction with participants provides a significant health benefit, and is considered an essential research activity, then the activity may continue. However, such studies must be approved for continuation by the Department Chair, Associate Dean for Research, and Vice President of Research through the disclosure of essential research activities form, available on the Office of Research web page.

For non-essential human subjects research, data collection activities for any biomedical or social, behavioral and educational study that involves in-person, face-to-face interactions with participants – including faculty, staff, students and community participants – must be paused. Research studies that limit participant interactions to online or remote communication, telephone contact, remote monitoring, remote data collection or secondary data analysis may continue.

For more guidance on pausing your study, go to Considerations for Human Participant Protections Related to COVID-19.

Why are University building doors locked?

As the majority of the University’s workforce has transitioned to remote operations, access to most University buildings has been limited. Many academic and administrative buildings have transitioned to swipe card access (SU I.D.) only. Please carry your SU I.D. card if you are coming to campus to access your office or lab.

What plans are in place for the care of animals?

Lab Animal Resources (LAR) will be working on-site to conduct daily animal husbandry. A full emergency plan is in place to ensure all animals are cared for and in accordance with social distancing procedures. Please contact LAR with questions.

I would like to propose a seminar for May 2021. I know that it is over a year away. However, I worry that next year’s CUSE cycle will not allow me enough time for advance planning. Is there another avenue to request funding for 2021?

Any CUSE funding for 2021 would follow a similar timeline. In your application, be sure to emphasize that planning for the May 2021 seminar will be occurring in this upcoming academic year and much of the expenses will be incurred far in advance.