Spring 2025 Proposal Submissions
Are Professors of Practice, Emeritus Faculty, Teaching Professors, or Visiting Faculty eligible for the FCAR program?
No, only full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members are eligible for the FCAR program.
Can I subcontract my FCAR Grant funds to another university to assist in the conduct of my research?
No, FCAR funds may not be subcontracted out to other institutions, as they are intended to further the research that is conducted by SU personnel.
Does my department need to approve my budget?
While PIs are not required to receive department approval for their FCAR budget, you should work with your departmental or college budget administrator when planning your budget to ensure it is correct and appropriate for the project and for any department, school, or college-based budgeting considerations, such as hourly rates for students.
How should I structure my budget between student support, consultant, materials, etc?
There is no prescribed balance for funding distribution between categories. All budget items should have a good explanation of the role of item in the overall project. Funding for consultants should note the necessity of the work for the project and the special expertise a consultant brings to the project.
I will need to spend my own research funds this semester prior to when the FCAR period of performance begins on May 1, 2025. Is it possible to be reimbursed for my research expenditures prior to May 1, 2025?
No, reimbursements for research expenditures outside the period of performance are not permitted under the FCAR program.
I received an FCAR grant and my project has ended. Am I eligible to apply in this round?
PIs of active FCAR grants or who are still in the outcomes reporting period for a closed FCAR project are not eligible for this program as PI or Co-PI. Once all reporting has concluded, PIs will be eligible for new FCAR funding.
Can I apply for FCAR if I have other external (e.g. sponsored) or internal funding (e.g. startup funds, school/college seed funding, F&A return, etc.)?
Faculty may apply to FCAR if they have other sources of funding other than active FCAR funding. Applicants must provide information on all internal funding currently held. Existing internal funds from startup, indirect costs returns, and school or college awards/research bourses should be utilized or committed to the maximum extent possible before applying to FCAR. If internal funds are committed to other projects, applicants should provide such an explanation in the current and pending support document. Faculty with significant existing internal funding should not apply to this program.
As noted in the RFP, faculty with a clear opportunity for funding support from large external sponsor programs such as those at the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health should not apply to FCAR.
Can I use my FCAR funds to be reimbursed for the cost of a consultant or other third party?
Personal reimbursements for payments to third parties are not allowed. If your request includes payments to third parties for services rendered, such payment must be made by the University directly through approved contracts. A University credit card is not an acceptable form of payment for these services.
I’m having trouble with the Syracuse University Application Portal. Who can I contact for assistance?
Please email the Office of Research Development at resdev@syr.edu.
Can someone other than the PI edit and/or submit an application in the Application Portal?
Yes, the PI can designate a Proxy to start, submit, edit, and/or submit a proposal. The PI must designate that person as a Proxy in the system. Please see detailed instructions here.