News Posts

New Staff Training and Development Resources

The Office of Research is pleased to announce unlimited institutional access to the LevelUP Micro-credential Program from the Society of Research Administrators International (SRAI). LevelUP is a comprehensive set of online courses covering pre-award administration, post-award finance, and regulatory and financial compliance. The courses can be completed any time, from any location, and at no cost to you or your department. For each module completed, you earn a micro-credential and a digital badge.

For more information or to participate, email Jill Ferguson.

New Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Focuses on the Needs of Postdoctoral Scholars 

Syracuse University has established an Office of Postdoctoral Affairs to provide centralized resources and dedicated staff to serve the interests and well-being of postdoctoral scholars.

Part of the Office of Research and developed in partnership with the Graduate School, the new office is an expansion of the University’s commitment to a quality campus experience and positive career outcomes for postdoctoral associates, says Duncan Brown, vice president for research. Read more.

New Internal Grants Program Supports Faculty Creative Activity and Research

The Office of Research has announced a new internal grants program to support faculty research and creative endeavors as well as increase high-quality scholarly output. Full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members can apply for project grants of between $1,000 and $5,000. Brown says he expects FCAR grants to be awarded three times annually, at the start of the fall, spring and summer semesters, to provide faculty with maximum flexibility. The total anticipated funding for this cycle is $50,000. Read more.

NSF Requirement: Plan for Safe and Inclusive Working Environment for Off-Campus Research

Effective as of January 30, 2023, NSF’s new policy requirement states that there must be a plan for a safe and inclusive work environment created—and distributed to each participant—in advance of departure for an off-campus research activity. The creation and distribution of the plan is the responsibility of the award PI. To ease the administrative burden, the Office of Sponsored Programs has created a Plan Template for your use. Read more.


Syracuse University faculty and student researchers pioneer ideas that have an impact around the
world. Their interdisciplinary approach helps shape the way we understand a wide range of academic
disciplines—from brain science to social science, engineering to art—and contribute to groundbreaking
discoveries and advancements.